Tuesday 23 October 2012

Portuguese tart

Portuguese tart is so delicious, crispy outer with soft and tasty inner. thanks for my friend for this easy and delicious recipe. All of the family members like it and just finish in a second.

For the pastry dough:
(Make 24 tarts)

Two roll of ready make puff pastry (can get it from any supermarket)
(keep it in the fridge until get ready for the egg mixture because the pastry will melt)

For the egg custard:

8 egg yolks
180 ml  fresh milk
8 tablespoon icing sugar
450 ml whipping cream


  1. Prepare two muffin tray, mix all the egg custard ingredients about 10 minutes or until the bubble is form on top (refer to picture below).
  2. When the mixture is ready get one of the ready make pastry out from fridge and use a cup to stamp the round shape. One pastry roll can make 12 circle. (finish one tray and continue for the second, don't take two roll of pastry out at the same time)
  3. Slowly put the pastry to the muffin tray. Pour the egg mixture to the tray, not too full because if too full all the mixture will coming out when baking.
  4. Bake at a pre-heated 160C(fan) oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until the egg custard start to have bubble on top and turn golden brown colour.

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