I'm remember when little my aunt always make this lovely pandan chiffon cake for us. I won't think to make myself but when staying far away from KL, need to make everything myself. We can get it here but the price is too expensive. Then I ask my aunt the recipes to make it for my two monster.
But now have another recipes with coconut milk is more tasty then I give a try.
Recipes source: Christine's Recipes
Prepare an ungreased 20cm(8 inch) round tube pan ( removable base preferred)
5 egg yolks
20gm caster sugar
100gm cake flour(low protein flour)
1 tsp baking powder
100ml coconut milk
2 tbsp pandan juice
a few drops pandan essence, optional
3 tbsp olive oil ( I'm using vegetable cooking oil)
Ingredients of egg whites:
5 egg whites
60gm caster sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Ingredients of pandan juice:
10 pandan leaves, fresh or frozen
1 1/2 tsp of water
To make pandan juice:
Chop pandan leaves into chunks, pop in a food processor and add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of water. Process to small piece. Place pandan leaves in a muslin bag and squeeze out the juice. You need about 2 tablespoons of it to make this cake. If you don’t have a muslin bag, just use your clean hand to squeeze out the juice.
- Preheat oven to 150C(fan), every oven is different. If use without fan will be 170C.
- Beat the egg yolks with a hand whisk and mix in 20 grams of sugar. Add coconut milk, pandan juice and a few drops of pandan essence. Mix well.
- Sift in cake flour and baking powder in three batches into the egg yolk mixture. Mix well, lastly add oil and mix well. Set aside.
- Use a large clean bowl, making sure there’s no water or oil in it. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until bubbles form. Add the cream of tartar. After mixing well, add the 60 grams of sugar in three batches, about one-third at a time, and beat well between additions. Continue to beat until stiff peaks form. (Note: please refer to Christine's Recipes video “How To Beat Egg Whites”.)
- Spoon out 1/3 of the beaten egg whites and fold into the egg mixture. Lightly fold in the rest of the beaten egg whites with a spatula, until just combined. (Note: please refer to Christine's Recipes video "How To Fold-in Egg Whites.)
- Pour into the cake pan and bake in preheated oven for about 45 minutes or until cooked through. If use oven without fan will bake about 35 to 40 minutes. After baking the first 15 minutes, if you find your cake gets browning, reduce heat to 150C(302F), continue to bake A needle comes out clean when inserted in the middle.
- Remove cake from the oven. invert the pan immediately. Allow it to cool completely.
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